How to choose the logo process for stainless steel tumbler

If you’re looking to personalize your tumbler with a logo or design, there are a few different logo processes to choose from. In this blog post,we will introduce the advantages and disadvantages of three commonly used logo processes to help you determine which logo process is best for your needs.

Silkscreen printing, also known as screen printing

Disadvantage :

Limited Detail: Silkscreen printing is best suited for bold, graphic designs with simple shapes and solid colors. It can be challenging to achieve fine details or intricate designs.

Inconsistent Quality: Silkscreen printing relies on manual labor, which can result in variations in print quality from one print to the next. Additionally, factors such as ink viscosity, screen tension, and printing pressure can all affect the final print quality, making it challenging to achieve consistent results.

Limited Color Range: Silkscreen printing is a spot color process, meaning that each color requires a separate screen and printing pass,it is only suitable for single color or simple color print and cannot complete the production of gradient logo


Vibrant Colors: Silkscreen printing allows for the use of vibrant, opaque inks that can create bold, eye-catching designs.

Economical: For large print runs, silkscreen printing can be a cost-effective option, as the cost per unit decreases as the quantity ordered increases.

Customizable: Silkscreen printing allows for customization, as screens can be made for each design, and colors can be mixed to match specific Pantone colors.

Lase engraved , also known as etched logo, is a popular printing technique.


More durable than printing logo as it’s engraved

Speed: Laser engraving is a fast and efficient process, allowing for quick turnaround times on large or small orders.

Economical:we can provide the free laser printing when your order quantity≥50pcs.


Limited Color Options: Laser engraving typically produces designs in a single color, which may not be suitable for all branding or design

3D digital printing, also known as UV printing,It is one of the very popular printing methods


Customization: 3D digital printing allows for a high level of customization, including the ability to print complex colors,intricate designs, text, and even photographs.

Precision: 3D printing produces highly precise designs, with a high level of accuracy and consistency.

Speed: 3D printing can produce designs quickly, allowing for quick turnaround times on large or small orders.


Cost: 3D printing can be more expensive than other logo techniques, especially for large or complex designs.

It need steady temperature , mostly machine room need air conditioner .

In conclusion, choosing the suitable logo process for your stainless steel tumbler is an important decision, as it can impact the quality, durability, and overall appearance of your logo,By considering the advantages and disadvantages of each logo process, you can make an informed decision based on your preferences and requirements.

Additionally, if you’re still unsure which logo process is best for your needs, feel free to contact us directly, and we can recommend a logo process based on your logo and design requirements!


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